Pre-K 3 Agenda

November 18th-22nd


Our letter for this week will be F for FAMILY

Bring in your picture that begins with the Letter F for show and share

Family Tree

Work together with your child to create a simple family tree. This tree can be 3 dimensional or flat. On the tree provide a picture of each of your closest relatives that is big and boldly labeled. These family members should be familiar to your children so they are able to recognize and describe them at circle time. Some examples of materials for designing your tree could be paper towel tube rolls, a science board, cardboard, pipe cleaners, pom poms, glitter, tissue paper…. Converse with your child about your family members when placing them on the tree. Work together when creating and most of all HAVE FUN. We will be sharing our trees over this week.


Centers for this week will include fishing for the letter F on fish, rolling out letter F’s with our home- made dough and dotting large letter F’s with our pointer finger. All other festive activities will remain available as well as our usual centers.


Art for this week will be a continuation of preparing for our Thanksgiving Feast. Stuffed Turkeys, corn husks, napkin rings, table clothes and our class banner are all on the way.



Our feast is on Friday November 22nd at 11am in our classroom as previously mentioned. Parents are welcome to take their little turkeys home after our celebration or welcome to stay to finish their day.


Please bring potty seats home if you have one in your cubby.


Our class utilizes our playground everyday as long as it is 26 degrees and above. Please be sure to dress children appropriately for the season. Our playground does become a bit chilly especially without sunlight on some days. Hats, scarves, gloves and heavy jackets are recommended.


Have a super fun weekend!!!