We have a very exciting week coming up! This Friday, 10/14, we will be celebrating our Fall Festival. I know that a number of our parents will be joining us to help. If you have the time and opportunity, please let me know. It will be a fun day.
To my 8th grade parents:
The time for high school applications is drawing near. We sent home the flyer for the borough high school fairs as well as a schedule timeline. The high school fairs will be held on Saturday, 10/15 and Sunday, 10/16. Please check out this website, it may be of help: http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/FF0861BB-FBFC-487E-99A2-EF024E9CCF94/0/HS_SummerWorkshop_Intro_Packet_English.pdf
For those students who are planning to attend a Catholic H.S., information booklets were distributed last week. You can register for the Tachs exam on their website, as well as by telephone. The registration deadline is October 17th, 2016 at 5 P.M.
Please let us know if you need assistance in the high school application process.