e-K 3 Agenda
Oct 21st-25th
Here’s to another great week, even though it was a short one. We kept pretty busy as we worked on our Haunted Mansion Ghost Toss for our October Festival and spooky paper plate spiders. The October Festival is this Saturday October 19th from 12pm to 5pm. All are welcome to playing fun games, indulging in delicious food, creating crafts and great music. This is also a wonderful opportunity to connect with your fellow classmates, families, teachers and faculty outside of the classroom setting.
This week’s centers will be a repeat of the previous week as we are still in the spirit of Fall, pumpkins and all that comes along with this season. We will also be using our ghost toss in our classroom and outdoors after the festival.
Art for this week will also be a continuation of stuffed paper bag pumpkins, paper towel tube roll bats and ghost hand prints…..
Quick Reminder
Coughs, sneezes and runny noses spread quickly around the classroom and will linger for what seems like forever, especially in Pre-K 3. Please encourage your child to cough or sneeze into their elbow and to try their best when blowing their nose and washing their hands as we do in our classroom as well. I also kindly ask that children do not participate in classroom activities until they are fever free for 24 hours as stated in your Parent Handbook. This is for the health and well being of all including the child themselves.
Please sign up for your Parent/Teacher conference if you have not done so yet.
Our Halloween celebration is on Thursday Oct 31st at 1:30pm. All parents or family are invited. Treats and books are welcome as well.