Pre-K 3 Agenda
November 25th-27th
WOW! What a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast. Thank you all so much for contributing your delicious dishes, desserts, and time in our classroom. The children really enjoyed their plates and your company. I hope you enjoyed your time with us as well. I have been discussing with our class how we can consider people who are close to our hearts as family even if we are not related and that is what we did today with our thoughtfulness and togetherness.
Due to this being such a short week in honor of Thanksgiving we will continue with our festive centers as well as all usual centers. We will also have materials available for creating expressive art during this time. We will pick up with our stream of Christmas activities and crafts when we return from our break.
Wednesday November 27th is a half day. Pick up is at 11am.
Thursday, December 19th at 9am is our Holiday Recital.
Friday, December 20th is our COFFEE and CRAFTS Christmas celebration in our classroom starting at drop off through dismissal at 11am to launch our Christmas break FUN!!!